As you may have heard while getting a coffee at Norm’s or chatting around in the Newton community that we’re making some changes. We’re transitioning our initiatives out of The Porch location on Main Street.

While this marks the end of a chapter for So Shine, we’re filled with hope and excitement for the new opportunities this new season will bring elsewhere for us!
You may be wondering, what’s next for the initiatives currently run directly out of The Porch. We’re here to put your mind at ease and share what’s happening moving forward!
Our first transition will take place after the Thanksgiving holiday on December 4th. The Table, our Wednesday night community dinner, will be moving to First Methodist Church. While the meal has already always been prepared there, it will now remain at this location! The time will stay the same – 5:30-7 pm – and, as always, the meal will remain free to the community.

If you’re unsure where this new location is, First Methodist Church is located at 801 N. Main St., right across from The Porch. The Table will continue as a So Shine initiative, bringing its same sense of community to a new location! If you have questions about this change, you can reach out to our Table director, Carrie Holler, or Tami anytime.
Our next changing initiative is our Porch pantry. We still will be providing our community pantry in the same capacity as always through the end of this calendar year.
As we look to the New Year, we’re excited to collaborate with other resources in Newton to enhance our pantry’s impact!
Our Sweet Peas Infant Feeding pantry will continue operating by appointment only, but it will be moving to a new location. Stay tuned for updates on the new spot – we’ll make sure you know exactly where to go if you need to schedule an appointment!
Our last changing initiative will be our after school program. As you may have noticed, our after school program has been on pause this semester as we evaluated how to best serve students and their families.
Our Board recently completed a new vision framework for our after school program’s next chapter! We are still finalizing plans for its new location and how we can better serve students and families through our after school program.

The newest version of our program will come out in August of 2025, just in time for the new school year! Stay tuned for more details as we get closer to this relaunching!
We know change is scary, but we are so excited to share these changes with the community and we hope to still see you around through our initiatives! Thank you for your support through this transition of The Porch!